A tale of three days: MUNUCCLE this year

In the run-up to the long-awaited event

On Wednesday, 29th September, two days before the launch of this year´s MUNUCCLE, the COP (the Pandemic Climate Change Committee) had the pleasure to discuss influential topics with the Director of Green Peace (a non-governmental organization) in Europe: Jorgo Riss.

First and foremost, Jorgo Riss gave an insight into the issue of climate change and quoted the following: “We [Humanity] are killing life”. With this base, the delegates of the COP raised several questions to the specialist, to prepare themselves for the MUN starting the following Friday. Greece, for instance, addressed the issue by formulating the following question: “What actions could be put in place right now to delay or avoid global warming?” In his response, Green Peace´s Director referred to the immediate change that needs to be made relating to deforestation and mass meat production.

The meeting concluded with a touching and empowering message from Jorgo Riss to the members of the COP: “The post-pandemic world can be more inclusive and greener than the one we know. It is up to us to build back better, together”.

The beginning of the journey

The opening ceremony of this year´s event started at 11.00 AM with a short video presenting its main topic: Built a more inclusive and resilient post-Covid world. Afterward, the General Assembly´s President, Adrien Speight (s7Frc), gave an introductory speech that highlighted the following: “We are here to continue this revolution which has been Covid-19; to present it and to work on it”. 

Once the opening ceremony was completed, the COP (presidents and delegates) initiated their online meeting to discuss further information related to Climate Change. Led by Cristina Jiménez Pelarda (s7Esa) and Eleanor Murphy (s7Frd), the delegates discussed numerous topics in the shape of formal debates.

The first resolution was presented by the delegate of Venezuela, who recommended promoting international cooperation on renewable energies to optimize these (clause 5 of Venezuela´s resolution). After debating a series of modifications (known as amendments), Venezuela´s initial clause was modified. Thus, through negotiations and formal debates, the delegates successfully accomplished their mission.

We need to remind ourselves that MUNUCCLE 2021 has just started. There are more conferences to be held in the upcoming days, more challenges to be faced by the presidents of the COP and its delegates, and more accomplishments to be made. Today is the beginning of this “tale of three days”, the rest is yet to be discovered.

Marina Fernández Gordon (s7Esa)

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